A music player may be added to your Flutter app in this tutorial. To play music from external storage, to play from an assets file, or to use a URL to play music (internet). The ability to adjust the volume of the song.
Emotions may be expressed via music, which is a universal language. In the modern world, it’s clear that music applications are a must-have. Listening to their favorite songs on a variety of music applications is a popular way for people to cope with stress or improve their creative abilities. A developer’s job isn’t complete until he or she creates useful applications for themselves. Since you’re a fan of music, I decided to create a customized music app of my own. Here, I’ll show you how to create a simple music app in a Flutter.
Packages Used:
Our external storage will be accessed using Flutter audio query (eg. mobile phone, memory card, etc).
Flutter_audio_query: ^0.3.5+6
We may utilize the audio manager package to integrate features like play, pause, seek, inc. or dec. volume in our program.
audio_manager: ^0.8.2
Setting Up the Project:
import the packages
import 'package:flutter_audio_query/flutter_audio_query.dart'; import 'package:audio_manager/audio_manager.dart';
Modify your AndroidManifest.xml
<application ... android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" ... >
Modify your build.gradle file.
defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 23 }
Using the internet and other resources to play music:
Creating an audio manager instance
var audioManagerInstance = AudioManager.instance;
Playing music using the start method
AudioManager has a start() function that we may use to start playing the music. Input includes a URL as well as a title, description, and a cover image, as well as an optional auto-complete field.
onTap: () { audioManagerInstance .start("song URL", "song title", desc: "description", auto: true, cover: "cover URL") .then((err) { print(err); }); },
To listen to music from an assets file, just modify the song’s URL to the location of the assets file.
onTap: () { audioManagerInstance .start("assets/music.mp3"song title", desc: "description", auto: true, cover: "assets/cover.png") .then((err) { print(err); }); },
Our external storage is being used to download music:
FlutterAudioQuery produces a future, thus we’ll use a FutureBuilder to get the music files from external storage. For example, we can use the getSongs function to get all the songs from a certain artist or album. Only the getSongs function will be used to keep the logic basic and clean. Every single one of them is yours for the taking.
FutureBuilder( future: FlutterAudioQuery() .getSongs(sortType: SongSortType.RECENT_YEAR), builder: (context, snapshot) { List<SongInfo> songInfo = snapshot.data; if (snapshot.hasData) return SongWidget(songList: songInfo); return Container( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.4, child: Center( child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center, children: <Widget>[ CircularProgressIndicator(), SizedBox( width: 20, ), Text( "Loading....", style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ) ], ), ), ); }, )
External memory may only be used in the song’s path is known. The filePath field of the SongInfo class allows us to get the location of the music file.
onTap: () { audioManagerInstance .start("file://${song.filePath}", song.title, desc: song.displayName, auto: true, cover: song.albumArtwork) .then((err) { print(err); }); },
Setting Up the audio:
This is the most crucial portion since it controls a variety of audio occurrences.
void setupAudio() { audioManagerInstance.onEvents((events, args) { switch (events) { case AudioManagerEvents.start: _slider = 0; break; case AudioManagerEvents.seekComplete: _slider = audioManagerInstance.position.inMilliseconds / audioManagerInstance.duration.inMilliseconds; setState(() {}); break; case AudioManagerEvents.playstatus: isPlaying = audioManagerInstance.isPlaying; setState(() {}); break; case AudioManagerEvents.timeupdate: _slider = audioManagerInstance.position.inMilliseconds / audioManagerInstance.duration.inMilliseconds; audioManagerInstance.updateLrc(args["position"].toString()); setState(() {}); break; case AudioManagerEvents.ended: audioManagerInstance.next(); setState(() {}); break; default: break; } }); }
Initializing setupAudio
void initState() { super.initState(); setupAudio(); }
Creating a control panel:
This panel contains a play-pause button, previous button, next button, and a songProgress Slider.
Widget bottomPanel() { return Column(children: <Widget>[ Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16), child: songProgress(context), ), Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16), child: Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly, children: <Widget>[ CircleAvatar( child: Center( child: IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.skip_previous, color: Colors.white, ), onPressed: () => audioManagerInstance.previous()), ), backgroundColor: Colors.cyan.withOpacity(0.3), ), CircleAvatar( radius: 30, child: Center( child: IconButton( onPressed: () async { if(audioManagerInstance.isPlaying) audioManagerInstance.toPause(); audioManagerInstance.playOrPause(); }, padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0.0), icon: Icon( audioManagerInstance.isPlaying ? Icons.pause: Icons.play_arrow, color: Colors.white, ), ), ), ), CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.cyan.withOpacity(0.3), child: Center( child: IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.skip_next, color: Colors.white, ), onPressed: () => audioManagerInstance.next()), ), ), ], ), ), ]); }
Duration of a song:
Using this function, we may format the song’s length in milliseconds into this format: 000:00. Format, in this case, is a string equal to 00:00. The song’s runtime is used to calculate the duration. Otherwise, it returns the provided duration formatted as [insert format here].
String _formatDuration(Duration d) { if (d == null) return "--:--"; int minute = d.inMinutes; int second = (d.inSeconds > 60) ? (d.inSeconds % 60) : d.inSeconds; String format = ((minute < 10) ? "0$minute" : "$minute") + ":" + ((second < 10) ? "0$second" : "$second"); return format; }
Widget songProgress(BuildContext context) { var style = TextStyle(color: Colors.black); return Row( children: <Widget>[ Text( _formatDuration(audioManagerInstance.position), style: style, ), Expanded( child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 5), child: SliderTheme( data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith( trackHeight: 2, thumbColor: Colors.blueAccent, overlayColor: Colors.blue, thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape( disabledThumbRadius: 5, enabledThumbRadius: 5, ), overlayShape: RoundSliderOverlayShape( overlayRadius: 10, ), activeTrackColor: Colors.blueAccent, inactiveTrackColor: Colors.grey, ), child: Slider( value: _slider ?? 0, onChanged: (value) { setState(() { _slider = value; }); }, onChangeEnd: (value) { if (audioManagerInstance.duration != null) { Duration msec = Duration( milliseconds: (audioManagerInstance.duration.inMilliseconds * value) .round()); audioManagerInstance.seekTo(msec); } }, )), ), ), Text( _formatDuration(audioManagerInstance.duration), style: style, ), ], ); }
After all these steps, we have got the following output: